Capability statement
The Sustainable Engineering Group are an industrial ecology focused research group within the School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at Curtin University. Their sustainable engineering research focus covers many industry and resource sectors including mining, manufacturing and agriculture. Resource issues covered include- renewable energy, emissions management, carbon foot printing, resource recycling in the construction industry, waste management, water management, remanufacturing, and sustainability assessment, metrics, education and training.
SEG research covers the interface between industrial production and sustainability management with particular focus on life cycle management, industrial symbiosis, waste recovery and sustainability education. Our research publications across these research domains include:
Resources sector
- Adiansyah, J.S., Rosano, M., Vink, S., Keir, K. Stokes, J.R. Synergising water and energy requirements to improve sustainability performance in mine tailings management. Journal of Cleaner Production 133 5-17. (2017)
- Chegenizadeh, A., Ghadimi, B., Nikraz, H., Heshmati, E. A novel numerical model approach for examining ship berthing impact on floating piers. Journal of Engineering Science & Technology.
- Biswas, W. K., D. Engelbrecht and M. Rosano. 2014. Carbon footprint assessment of Western Australian LNG production and export to the Chinese market. J. Product Lifecycle Management 6 (4): 339-356
- Adiansyah, Joni S., Haque, N. Rosano, M., Biswas, W. Application of a life cycle assessment to compare environmental performance in coal mine tailings management. Journal of Environmental Management. 199 (2017) 181-191.
- Biswas, W.K., Thompson, B.C., and Islam, M.N. 2013. Environmental life cycle feasibility assessment of hydrogen as an automotive fuel in Western Australia. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 pp. 246-254.
- Biswas, W.K., and Cooling, D. 2013. Sustainability assessment of red sand as a substitute for virgin sand and crushed limestone. Journal of Industrial Ecology Vol 17, 5.
- Biswas, W. and John, M. ‘Life Cycle Assessment of Aluminium Metal Production in Western Australia’.
Presented at the Life Cycle Management 2009 conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 6-9 September 2009. - Corder, G.D. and Bossilkov, A. 2008. Increasing minerals industry by-product re-use through the application of a regional synergy toolkit, Conference of metallurgists 208, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, August 2008.
- Regional resource synergies for sustainable development in heavy industrial areas: An overview of opportunities and experiences. Baseline assessment report, funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC Project Lpo349203).
- Van Beers D., Corder G.D., Bossilkov A, and Van Berkel R. 2007. Industrial Symbiosis in the Australian Minerals Industry: The Cases of Kwinana and Gladstone. Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol 11 No 1 pp. 55-72.
- Van Beers D., Corder G.D., Bossilkov A., and Van Berkel R. 2007. Regional Synergies in the Australian Minerals Industry: Case-Studies and Enabling Tools. Minerals Engineering, Vol 20 No 9 pp. 830-841.
Life Cycle Assessment / Sustainability Models and Assessment/Sustainability metrics
- Dentchev, N., Baumgartner, R., Dieleman, H., Jóhannsdóttir, L., Jonker, J., Nyberg, T., Rauter, R., Rosano, M., Snihur, Y., Tang, X., et al. Embracing the variety of sustainable business models: Social entrepreneurship, corporate intrapreneurship, creativity, innovation, and other approaches to sustainability challenges.Journal of Cleaner Production. 113 (2016): 1-4.
- Biswas, W.K., Naude, G. A life cycle assessment of processed meat products supplied to Barrow Island: A Western Australian case study. Journal of Food Engineering 1880, 48-59.
- Gideon, T., Biswas, W., Pritchard, D. Sustainability assessment of cattle herding in the North West region of Cameroon, Central Africa. Academic Journals, Vol 9 (10). 289-302. October 2017.
- Rosenthal, C., Fatimah, Y.A., Biswas, W.K. Application of 6R principles in sustainable supply chain design of Western Australian white goods. Procedia CIRP 40. 318-323.(2016)
- Biswas, W. A life cycle assessment of annual, perennial and non-fertilised perennial pastures South-Western Australia. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Vol. 11. (2015)
- Engelbrecht, D., Biswas, W., Pritchard, D., Ahmad, W. Integrated spatial technology to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in grain production. Remote Sensing Applications. 44-55, (2015)
- Gunady, M. G., Biswas, W. K., Solah, V. A., and James A. P. 2012. Evaluating the global warming potential of the fresh produce supply chain for strawberries, romaine/cos lettuces (Lactuca sativa), and button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) in Western Australia using life cycle assessment (LCA). Journal of Cleaner Production Vol 28 pp. 81-87.
- Biswas, W.K., Graham, J., Kelly K., and Rosano M. 2010. Global warming contributions from wheat, sheep meat and wool production in Victoria, Australia – a life cycle assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production 1-7.
Energy and Emissions
- Say, K., Rosano, M., Wills, R. T., Dargaville, R. (Under review). The coming disruption: the movement towards the customer renewable energy transition. Energy Policy.(2018)
- Arceo, A., Rosano, M., Biswas W. Eco-efficiency analysis for remote area power supply selection in WA. Clean Techn Environ Policy. DOI 10.1007/s10098-017-1438-6.
- Schluter, A. and Rosano, M. A holistic approach to energy efficiency assessment in plastic processing. Journal of Cleaner Production. (2016)
- Mattiussi, A., Rosano, M., and Simeoni, P. 2014. A decision support system for sustainable energy supply combining multi-objective and multi-attribute analysis: An Australian case study. Decision Support Systems Vol 57, pp. 150-159.
- Biswas, WK Barton L and Carter D (2011) Biodiesel production in a semiarid environment: a life cycle assessment approach, Environmental Science and Technology 45(7), 3069–74.
- Biswas, W. K. 2011. Application of renewable energy to provide safe water from deep tubewells in rural Bangladesh. Energy for Sustainable Development Vol 15 No 1 pp. 55-60.
- Latunij, F., M. Rosano, A. B. Bossilkov, and B. J. Mullins. 2009.“Air Emissions Reduction in WA through Cleaner Production Initiatives in the Kwinana Industrial Area.” In 19th International Clean Air and Environment Conference, Sep 6, 2009, Perth Western Australia: CAZANZ.
- Van Beers D., Biswas W.K., A Regional Synergy Approach to Energy Recovery: The Case of the Kwinana Industrial Area, Western Australia. Journal of Energy Conservation and Management. Volume 49, Issue 11, November 2008, pp 3051-3062. (no of citations – 6)
- Lund, C. and W. K. Biswas, (2008). A Review of the Application of Lifecycle Analysis to Renewable Energy Systems, Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, Vol. 28, pp. 200-209. (no of citations – 5)
- Biswas, W.K., B. J. Mullins, C. P. Lund (2008) Life cycle environmental impact assessment of energy saving lamps, Proceedings of the Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering Sustainability and Remanufacturing VI, pp. 241-244.
- Biswas, W.K., and Mullins B. (2008). Life Cycle Environmental Implications of the Use of Catalytic Converters in Vehicles Operating on LPG and Natural Gas, presented in the Life Cycle Engineering conference in Sydney, March 2008.
- Lund, C., and Biswas, W. K. 2008. A review of the application of lifecycle analysis to renewable energy systems, Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, Vol 28 pp. 200-209.
Material performance
- Ghadimi, B., Jungate, N., Rosano, M., Russo, S. Assessment of FRP Pultruded Elements under Static and Dynamic Loads. Composite Structures (2017).
- Ghadimi, B., Russo, S., Rosano, M. Predicted mechanical performance of pultruded FRP material under severe temperature duress. Composite Structures. 176 (2916) 673-683.
- Ghadimi, B., Nikraz, H., Rosano, M. Dynamic simulation of a flexible pavement layers considering shakedown effects and soil-asphalt interaction. Transportation Geotechnics 7 (2016) 40-58.
- Ghadimi, B., Nikraz, H. A comparison of implementation of linear and nonlinear constitutive models in numerical analysis of layered flexible pavement. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2016.
- Russo, S., Ghadimi, B., Lawania, K. and Rosano, M. Failure analysis using acoustic and energy emission assessment of fibre reinforced polymer material performance under severe conditions. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 35(13), 1075-1090: 2016.
- Russo S., Ghadimi, B. Lawania, K., Rosano, M. Residual strength testing in pultruded FRP material under a variety of temperature cycles and values. Composite Structure. 458-475.
Construction industry
- Biswas, W., K., Lawania, K. Application of life cycle assessment approach to deliver low carbon houses at regional level in Western Australia. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. (2016)
- Lawania, K.K., Biswas, W.K. Achieving environmentally friendly building envelopes for Western Australian housing: A life cycle assessment approach. Int Journal of Sustainable Built Environment. (2016)
- Lawania, K.K., Biswas, W.K. Cost effective GHG mitigation strategies for Western Australia’s housing sector: a life cycle management approach. Clean Techn Environ Policy DOI 10.1007/s10098-016-1217-9.
- Ghadimi, B. Nega, A and Nikraz, H. Simulation of shakedown behaviour in pavement’s granular layer. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.3. (2015)
- Nega, A., Nikraz, H., Herath, S., Ghadimi, B. Distress identification, cost analysis and pavement temperature prediction for the long-term pavement performance for Western Australia. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.4. (2015)
- Biswas, W. K. 2014. Carbon footprint and embodied energy assessment of a civil works program in a residential estate of Western Australia. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 19: 732-744.
- Lawania, K., Sarker, P., and Biswas, W. Global Warming Implications of the Use of By-Products of Recycled Materials in Western Australian Housing Sector. Material, 8(10), 6909-6925.
- Biswas W. K Rosano M and Whyte, A (2012) Life cycle assessment of civil works in Harrisdale Green Residential Estate, Perth, WA, Report prepared for Cedar Woods, Perth.
Waste management
- Mishima, K., Rosano, M., Mishima, N. and Nishimura H. 2016. End of Life Strategies for used mobile phones using material flow modelling. Recycling Journal, 1, 122-135.
- Silva, A., Rosano, M., Stocker, L., Gorissen, L. From waste to sustainable materials management: Three case studies of the transition journey. (2016)
- Silva, A., Stocker, L., Mercieca, P., Rosano, M. “The role of policy labels, keywords and framing in transitioning waste policy.Journal of Cleaner Production. 115 (2016): 224-237.
- Latunij, F., Rosano, M. and Mullins, B. 2012. Study of waste, air emissions and sustainability management in West Australian small-medium manufacturing industries. Proceedings of the International conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, 29th October-2nd November 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
- Rosano, M., Mattiussi, A., and Simeoni, P. 2011. Waste management in an industrial park – Industrial ecology benefits. Published conference proceedings Sardinia 2011. 13th International Waste Management and Landfill symposium. October 2011. ISBN: 978-88-6265-000-7.
- Biswas, WK, John M and Robson S(2009) Life Cycle Assessment of Building Construction Wastes in Western Australia, Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society conference, Melbourne, February.
- Giurco D., Bossilkov A., Patterson J., Kazaglis A. 2010. Developing industrial water reuse synergies in Port Melbourne: Cost-Effectiveness, Barriers And Opportunities, Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Van Beers, D., Bossilkov, A. and Lund, C. 2009. Development of large scale reuses of inorganic by-products in Australia: The case study of Kwinana, Western Australia, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol 53 No 7 May 2009, pp. 365-378.
- Bossilkov, A., and Lund, C. 2008. Market assessment for the reuse of inorganic industrial by-products in the Kwinana Industrial Area, Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing, Perth, WA.
- Bossilkov, A. and Lund, C. 2008. Review of International and Australian frameworks and standards for the reuse of inorganic industrial by-products, Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing, Perth, WA.
- Giurco, D., Patterson, J., Bossilkov, A., and Kazaglis, A. 2008. Assessing industrial water reuse synergies: A Port Melbourne scoping study. Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing, Perth, WA.
Water management
- Biswas, W, and Rosano, M. Sustainability assessment of water re-use options in Doha. Report for the Gulf Office of Research and development (GORD) . 2018
- Simms, A., Hamilton, S., Biswas, K. Carbon footprint assessment of WA groundwater recycling scheme. Environmental Management. 2017.
- Biswas, W.K., Yek, P. Improving the carbon footprint of water treatment with renewable energy: a Western Australian case study. Renewables Wind, Water and Solar. 2016. 3:14
- Simms, A., Hamilton, S., Biswas, K. Carbon footprint assessment of WA groundwater recycling scheme. Environmental Management.
- Tranmer, A.W., Marti, C.L., Tonina, D., Benjankar, R., Weigel, D., Vilhena, L., McGrath, C., Goodwin, R., Tiedemann, M., Mckean, J., Imberger, J. A hierarchical modelling framework for assessing physical and biochemical characteristics of a regulated river. Ecological Modelling. 368 (2018) 78-93
- Biswas WK (2011) Application of renewable energy to provide safe water from deep tubewells in rural Bangladesh, Energy for Sustainable Development 15, 55–60.
- Biswas, W.K. (2009) Life cycle assessment of seawater desalination in Western Australia, World Academy of Science, Technology and Technology, 35, pp. 399-405.
- Giurco D., Bossilkov A., Patterson J., Kazaglis A. (2010) Developing Industrial Water Reuse Synergies In Port Melbourne: Cost-Effectiveness, Barriers And Opportunities, Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Van Beers, D., Bossilkov, A. and van Berkel, R., (2008), A regional synergy approach to advance sustainable water use: a case study using Kwinana (Western Australia), Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 15, No 3, September 2008.
- Biswas, W.K. 2009. Life cycle assessment of seawater desalination in Western Australia, World Academy of Science, Technology and Technology, Vol 35 pp. 399-405.
- Van Beers, D., Bossilkov, A., and van Berkel, R. 2008. A regional synergy approach to advance sustainable water use: a case study using Kwinana, Western Australia, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 15 No 3 September 2008.
Manufacturing / Remanufacturing
- Fatimah, Y.A., Biswas, W.K. Remanufacturing as a means for achieving low-carbon SMEs in Indonesia. Clean Techn Environ Policy. DOI 10.1007/s10098-016-1148-5. 2017
- Cascini, A., Gamberi, M., Mora, C., Rosano, M., Bortolini, M. Comparative Carbon Footprint Assessment of commercial walk-in refrigeration systems under different use configurations.Journal of Cleaner Production. 112 (part 5): 3998-4011. 2016.
- Fatimah, Y.A., Biswas, W.K. Sustainability Assessment of Remanufactured Computers. Procedia CIRP 40 150-155. (2016)
- Khripko, D., Schlüter, A., Rommel, A., Hesselbach, D., Rosano, M. Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency Measures in Polymer Processing – Comparison between temperate and Mediterranean operating plants. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering.(2015)
- Rosano, M., and Schianetz, K. 2014. Measuring sustainability performance in Industrial Parks: A Case Study of the Kwinana Industrial Area. International Journal of Sustainable Development Vol 17, No.3, 2014 261-280.
- Ginting, Y.R., Boswell, B., Biswas, W., Islam, N. 2014. Advancing Environmentally conscious machining, Science Direct.
- Wagner, J., M. Schafer, A. Schluter, L. Harsch, J. Hesselbach, M. Rosano, and C. Lin. 2014. Reducing energy demand in production environment requiring refrigeration – a localized climatization approach. HVAC and R Research 20 (6): 628-642.
- Biswas, W.K., Duong, V., Frey, P., and Islam, M.N. 2013. A comparison of repaired, remanufactured and new compressors used in Western Australian small- and medium-sized enterprises in terms of global warming. Journal of Remanufacturing Vol 3, 4.
- Fatimah, Y.A., Biswas, W.K., Mazhar, I., and Islam, M.N. 2013. Sustainable manufacturing for Indonesian small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): the case of remanufactured alternators. Journal of Remanufacturing Vol 3, 6.
- Biswas WK and M Rosano (2011) A life cycle greenhouse gas assessment of remanufactured refrigeration and air conditioning compressors, International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing 2(2/3), 222–36.
- Khripko, D., Schluter, A., Rosano, M. and Hesselbach, J. ‘Product carbon footprint in polymer processing- a practical application’ Published peer reviewed Proceedings of the 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing. Berlin, Germany, September 2013. ISBN 78-3-7983-2606-4 (Peer reviewed)
- Biswas, W. K., and Rosano M. 2011. A life cycle greenhouse gas assessment of remanufactured refrigeration and air conditioning compressors. International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing Vol 2 No 2/3 pp. 222-236.
Sustainability education and training
- Rosano, M. Scott, J. (2018) Threshold concepts in sustainable engineering education. Australian Association of Engineering Education, Waikato, Dec 2018.
- Rosano, M. ‘ Sustainability management training in the resources sector. Professional development course for the Oil and Gas Industry. (2018)
- Biswas, W., Rosano, M and Lawania, K. “Life cycle thinking: an important link in sustainability education”
Presented at the ‘Engineering Education for Sustainable Development’ Conference, Belgium, September 2016. - Rosano, M. and Biswas, W. Deconstructing the sustainability challenge for engineering education. International Journal of Progress in Industrial Ecology. Vol. 9, No. 1, 82-95. (2016)
- Rosano, M. Using industrial Ecology to assist with sustainability management in the materials engineering and resources sector. International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources. (2015)
- Rosano, R., Hadgraft, R., and King, R. ‘Solving wicked sustainability problems: what specific knowledge and skills do students need to have to solve modern sustainability issues and those of the future’.
Australian Association of Engineering Education Conference, Brisbane., Australia.2-4 December 2014. - Rosano, M. and Biswas, W. ‘Deconstructing the sustainability challenge for engineering education’.
Presented at the ‘Engineering Education for Sustainable Development’ Conference, Cambridge , England. September 2013. - Loden, D., and Biswas W. K. 2011. Review of the enhancement of university curriculum through utilisation of sustainable engineering and appropriate technology workshops, Proceedings of the 2011 AAEE Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia, pp. 75-81.
- Cleaner Production Audit and Training Program for SME’s. CSRP 2010.